Here is a helpful guide for 1st level troubleshooting.

SymptomsPossible CausesTry This

The LED on the gateway remains blue.The Bluetooth connection is still up and preventing the gateway from finishing its configuration.Disconnect the phone app from its Bluetooth connection.  The LED should change from blue to red (and eventually to green)
The gateway is configured correctly and the LED is green but the sensor data is not reaching the cloud.Each sensor needs to be read "manually", i.e. via the phone app at least once.  The web app checks the data coming through the gateway and will direct it to already known accounts.  If the web app doesn't recognize the account (i.e. it hasn't been read yet) the data will not be stored.
Read each sensor at least once via the phone app.  Instructions for performing a manual read are linked below:
Manual sensor reads via the iPhone app
Manual sensor reads via the Android app