Solutionbee websites support the https protocol.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a protocol that secures communication and data transfer between a user's web browser and a website. HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP. The protocol protects users against eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.  Most reputable websites support HTTPS.

Websites that you access via https are secured with certificates that are issued by reputable firms that prove that the website is secure.  Solutionbee regularly makes sure that we are covered with a valid certificate.  

Most devices and computers need to be told regularly that new certificates have been issued for new websites or old websites that have their certificates renewed.  Normally, this is invisible to the user because this information is given via OS updates (such as Windows updates).  Sometimes, however, this information isn't transmitted and so the information needs to be given sent manually.

Recently, some Android devices have experienced errors while attempting to upload data such as:

1.) In order to remove the issue, two files need to be installed on the Android phone.  These can be downloaded from this website here.  You need to access this via the browser on the phone.  Scroll down the website until you see the following:

2.) Click on the "SSL_COM_INTERMEDIATE_AND_ROOT" link.

Two zip files will download to your phone.

3.) Upzip the files.  Your directory will now contain the two zipped and the corresponding two unzipped files.

4.) Click on one of the unzipped files.  This screen will appear.

5.) Give the file an arbitrary name such as " Root Certificate" for the first one.  Click "OK" and the file will install on the phone.

Repeat with the second unzipped file, giving it a different name, such as " RSA".  Click "OK" to install the second file on the phone.

6.) Exit out and try to upload the data to the Solutionbee cloud again.