Before receiving your HiveHub you will want to get a Data Plan in the form of a SIM card from the cellular provider that best serves your beeyard.

SIM Size (Physical Embodiment)

Make sure you obtain a SIM card for your HiveHub that is size 2FF  (also called Mini-SIM).


Sizing your Data Plan

In order to correctly size your Data Plan, please see the following guidelines based on some measurements made by Solutionbee.  Your application may differ depending on the number of HM-6's you are connecting to the HiveHub, the upload frequency of the HM-6's and the data requirements of other WiFi devices you are connecting to your HiveHub 

For HiveHubs with only one HM-6 uploading once a day:

Usage: about 200kB/day = about 6MB/month

For HiveHubs with only one HM-6 uploading twice a day:

Usage: about 300kB/day = about 10MB/month

For HiveHubs with only one camera, triggered by motion about 8 times per day:

Usage: about 20MB/day = about 600MB/month

It is recommended to have at least a 2x safety factor on the data plan (calculated usage x 2) and to track the usage so that the data plan limits are not exceeded which might lead to high data charges.

Data Plan Providers (information given on US providers only, outside US: check local providers)

You will need to obtain a data plan and associated SIM card for your HiveHub.  Solutionbee does not provide a data plan and/or SIMs because every customer's use case is different and data requirements vary.

In the United States, there are two major data plan providers: Verizon and ATT.  You can check their data plans here.

For Verizon

For AT&T

Note that this links can change as the providers often change their sites and links.  If these links don't work, please Google  "Verizon IoT data plans" or "AT&T IoT data plans".