While it isn’t possible to delete or change the serial number of a monitor, it is possible to add a personal name (we call it a Customer ID) to a monitor and to view it on the web app by this name.  Here’s how:

First, the Customer ID has to be loaded unto the monitor.  On the iOS app this is done in the following way:

  1. Select the monitor you would like to add a Customer ID.

  2. Select the “Summary” option.

Monitor List.pngMonitor info page.png

3.) Note the field called “Customer ID”.  Initially, it will be filled with several zeros as in the picture below:

customer id zeros.png

4.) Tap inside this field and then tap a new name for the hive:

Customer id new.png

5.) When complete press on the small record icon to the right of the Customer ID field.  Be sure to be close to the monitor since the iPhone will attempt to communicate with the monitor in order to record the new Customer ID.

record icon.pngCust id comm.png

6.) Once these steps are complete, upload the data from your iPhone to the Cloud as your normally do or using the Upload Data selection.

Upload data.png

7.)  From now on, your hive selections in the Parameters fields in Hive Analysis, your Customer IDs will identify your monitors!

8.) Happy Monitoring!